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Research and Educational Programs INTENS 

These are research Programs focused on global and national problems, which affect today's events and will affect the future. The leaders of research programs are experienced scientists and practitioners. The teams of Programs include Ukrainian participants and international partners. They are experienced researchers and young creative people who are just beginning their creative searches and careers.

If Programs interesting for you, you can join the research, presentations, training, conferences, business projects that will take place within the framework of this Program.


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"FinTech - це енергія цифрової економіки" 

The Research Programme BAFIN


Led by Doctor of Economic Sciences Dmitry GRYDZHUK

"According to the Global FinTech Index 2020 [1], in 2022, 60% of the global GDP will be shaped by the digital economy, and digital financial services will be drivers of economic growth. It will impact the world trade, New Industrialization and the next phase of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

In the next decade, innovative financial technologies (FinTech), whose market grows intensively, will simplify the access of all segments of the population, small and medium-sized businesses to financial resources. The processes of financial inclusion will get the chance to implement. Financial inclusion means involving a wide range of consumers who are not yet actively use financial services, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Interaction between banks and FinTech-companies will significantly affect the banking system competitiveness and business activity in the real sector. It is a serious problem for Ukraine.

The purpose of the BAFIN Research Program is to investigate the challenges for the banking system and FinTech, new opportunities and optimal models of interaction between banks and FinTech-industry. We will implement the results of research in pilot projects of interaction between banks and FinTech. We will suggest the systemic conceptual approach for optimal collaboration between banks and FinTech-companies.

Our international team of researchers welcome new program participants from the banking community, FinTech companies, IT professionals, and creative young people who feel deeply interested in this topic but do not yet have a professional competence. The atmosphere of creativity, openness and goodwill between specialists of different specializations and different generations are the huge intangible assets of our Program. Get involved'.​

Dr Dmitry Grydzhyk



The Research Program CBDC


Led by Doctor of Economic Sciences Tetiana UNKOVSKA

At present, possibilities to launch by central banks their digital currencies (CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency) is one of the hot issues of global finance.



The intensity of Google searches for the words "Central Bank Digital Currency" shows the third wave of global hype after the first and second waves of takeover interest in the world community by Bitcoin cryptocurrencies, stablecoins like Libra (now it is Diem). 

On June 18, 2019, the Libra Association was formally announcing its plans to launch the global digital currency Libra, which pegged to the basket of reserve currencies. These events and challenging conditions of the pandemic, the acceleration of economy digitalization and online society's activities, stimulate central banks to focus on projects of their digital currencies (CBDC). There is more information in our Analytical Report.

The People's Bank of China has reported on the successful pilot project of the launch of the CBDC and readiness for larger-scale actions. There were 4 million transactions in digital currency in terms of volume that exceeded 2 billion yuan (299 million US dollars).

Virtually all the central banks and some international financial institutions conduct intensive studies of CBDC and opportunities and risks associated with them. In 2018 the National Bank of Ukraine implemented a pilot project for the release of the digital E-hryvnia.

The purposes of the research and consulting Program CBDC are

-   providing a deepening understanding of new opportunities and risks from launches CBDC by central banks and preparing analytical reports and research papers;

-  consulting services for central banks in the sphere of CBDC, the optimal strategy of launch and operations with the Central Bank Digital Currency in the framework of pilot projects$


- consulting in the sphere of optimal ways for adaptation the monetary policy under the impact of the digitalization of the global economy and developing FinTech.

Our team includes international and Ukrainian scientists, experts and practitioners who explore the possibilities and risks of a new digital global financial reality.

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Research and Educational Program "INVENTOR"
    Led by Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Andriy DAVIDENKO 

The Fourth Industrial Revolution changes the technological structure of the world economy and the global competitive environment. Transformation commodity economy model to a high-tech industrial national economy is not just a desirable goal for Ukraine today, but a matter of urgent necessity and national security. The keen factor in solving this problem is national intellectual capital and using it into the Ukrainian economy.  It is possible through the introduction of competitive innovations, technical and technological inventions.

Preservation of high-quality mathematical and technical education, good traditions of technical and scientific school together with the development of creative abilities of our youth, which is the basis of invention, is the basis that will allow Ukraine to become competitive at the global level.


The purpose of the Research and Educational program "INVENTOR" is the development of activities of the inventive movement of pupils' youth, in which I have been engaging for more than twenty years, but also to bring it to a new level both in scale and qualitative structure of the target audience. In addition to teaching students and teachers, it is necessary to expand the audience to technical educational institutions, industry workers, IT industry, FinTech companies and everyone who wants to develop their creative thinking to generate innovative solutions.


We use the scientific methodology and practical methods to develop creative thinking and invention as a holistic system that allows people to get extraordinary results, inventions and innovations. Developing approaches to STEM and STEAM education is also a necessary element of this system. Therefore, the Program will expand into new spheres and new audiences with annual summing up at all-Ukrainian open tournaments of inventors and rationalizers.

Our Program unites efforts scientists and educators, business and banking that interested in creative and inventive abilities. We will organize conferences, seminars, round tables with the following coverage of their results in the media and on this site, in scientific and methodological publications. We invite everyone to participate.
Research Program "SEIR" -

Led by  Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Andriy GRYTSENKO

The modern world is in the process of profound transformation, which can be compared only with the emergency of human society. The core of these transformations is the transition from industrial-market economy to information-networking economy. On the one hand, it opens up unprecedented opportunities for human and social progress. On the other hand, it leads to fragmentation of personality and society, generates instability, social tension and various conflicts. This instability has been increasing under the impact of processes in the global economy and nature (climatic changes, floods, fire, viral pandemics, etc.). There is a threat to the existence of society.

Addressing these challenges is on the way to combining the potential of natural, technical and social sciences for finding adequate answers. The fruitful interdisciplinary approach has to be used together with socioeconomics. 

The purpose of the Research Program SEIR is a profound scientific understanding of the optimal ways for further development of man and society to solving existing contradictions and ensuring stable socio-economic development in a challenging environment. 

The exchange of scientific information, organizing theoretical seminars, conferences and forums, research projects, practical projects and other events are tools for solving the tasks. Specialists in different fields of knowledge and all interested persons are inviting to cooperation.

Дослідницька і консалтингова Програма
Керівник програми - д.е.н. Гриджук Дмитро Миколайович

Як перетворити місто в магніт для інновацій?


Мета проєкту: допомогти створити в Україні та світі більш інноваційні, відкриті та стійкі міста.


Чому це важливо?


Багато відомих у світі науковців переконані, що майбутнє – за містами, а не за країнами. Також вони говорять про те, що XXI століття – це століття міст. Зараз дедалі частіше актуальним стає світовий тренд на розумну спеціалізацію міст. При цьому, на перший план у міському розвитку виходить не копіювання чужого досвіду, а усвідомлений вибір власного, унікального шляху до інноваційного лідерства, що базується на об'єктивному розумінні своїх сильних і слабких сторін. Інноваційні міста притягують талановитих людей, які можуть об'єднувати ідеї та зусилля, що у подальшому значно прискорить появу інновацій і підвищить продуктивність економіки міст. У такому середовищі з’являються нові винаходи і комерційні підприємства, що сприяють процвітанню міста. Тут також присутня конкуренція за людський капітал, за талановитих людей, які нині є однією з найважливіших складових у роботі міських адміністрацій.


Що ж значить розвиватися як інноваційний місто?


Місту необхідно розвиватися в чотирьох основних областях (напрямках):


1. Технологічне середовище регіону;

2. Міське середовище;

3. Освітнє та наукове середовище;

4. Інфраструктура та умови для інновацій.


Адміністрації міста або регіону необхідно реалізовувати заходи у всіх чотирьох напрямках. Можна починати з будь-якого напрямку, проте краще рухатися паралельно, так як ці області взаємопов'язані. Ми допомагаємо містам розвивати інновації та вдосконалюватися як розумне місто, забезпечувати економічний розвиток громади і ставати все більш успішним. У своїй роботі ми прагнемо допомогти більшій кількості міст на основі своєї унікальності об'єднати все краще, що є в міських інноваціях, використовуючи енергію інновацій для стимулювання росту економіки та створення кращих місць для життя громадян. Детальніше за посиланням

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